Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Beliefs on Art

Many have questioned throughout the ages, "What is art?" Well to me, everything is art. There's art in nature, and art that is man made. There are people who think that only certain things can be considered art, such as paintings, or sculptures. However, I think that there is much more in art than just what people say.
I believe that if something is art to even just one person, then it should still be considered a piece of art. It takes, time, practice, and skill to make things, and these are the attributes required for art. Architecture is art, technology, music, capturing people in the act of these things and putting it on canvas, it's all art.
And in nature, humans are natural pieces of art, along with planets, stars, and the elements that make them up. Most art pieces even gain their inspiration from these natural art forms.
Anyways, it's my opinion that art is everything, not just things such as paintings and sculptures.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


There are many different forms of art. Music is one of these forms, and is a very popular form of art. There are many different genres in music as well, however, thats not what this blog is about. I'm going to be talking about the emotion in music. Many of the songs that are thought up and that are written out are influenced by how the song writer is feeling at the time. some songs are happy, or sad, or calm, maybe even angry. These songs express how the writer felt while writing the songs, and they write them in a way that they hope will reach out to the people in the audience who are feeling the same way.
An example of a good song that expresses emotion is "The Good Left Undone" by Rise Against. In my opinion, this song tells a story about how he found love and then lost it. The lyrics that I believe to depict this scenario are as follows: "In fields where nothing grew but weeds, I found a flower at my feet, bending there in my direction. I wrapped a hand around its stem, I pulled until the roots gave in, finding now what I've been missing." I believe that this part of the song is telling us that in a place where he thought to be dull, boring, and filled with people he couldn't connect with, he found one person who made his time there worth while, and that he had fallen in love with this person. Later in the song, he goes into how he feels for what I believe to be the loss of his love, or break-up. "All because of you, I haven't slept in so long, when I do I dream, of drowning in the ocean, longing for the shore, where I can lay my head down." I believe that these lyrics depict the aftermath of his break-up, during the time where he is most upset. However, later in the song, there are lyrics which depict his ability to let go of the love he just lost and move on with his life. "Inside my hands these petals browned, dried up fallen to the ground, but it was already to late now. I pushed my fingers through earth, returned this flower to the dirt, so it could live I walk away now." I believe that this is showing that by him holding onto the pain of break-up and holding onto her, it was keeping not only himself, but her as well, from being happy and moving on, so he let her go so that they could both move on with their lives and be happy.
